Happy New Year 2013

Boom Boom! Happy New Year 2013!!! KEy fellas. Wow,.. it seems like the admin was a lil bit late saying the wish, just got back here from a long and winding holiday , guys. ^^v

Well, before we're talking about new year, how about last year,KEy fellas? What was your best moment ever in 2012? Why? What did you do in the last new year's eve? Did you have fun?

Tada! Stop talking about last year, now we're heading and swirling in 2013, a brand new world with a bunch of brand new plans. Nah, what is your new year resolution for 2013?,.. Bla Bla Bla ,........ have you made your mind? now, share it here with us! :D , Don't be afraid coz the bugs won't bite! ^^cccc|*|*|*|

What are your top 10 new year resolutions ,KEy fellas?


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