Silent Couple

This manga was originally created by Nurmalasari. If the pics are too small to be read, you may just click each to enlarge. Enjoy ^^


  1. If i'm a manga publisher, i'll absolutely submit this as a best manga...
    Well done kak Nurmala...
    I'm your fans right now, can you teach me how to make it?waaa....xixixi

  2. way to go kak,, i crazy about it. i'm green with envy ... where did u learn it ?? ,, it's great.. someday, i hope I can be a comikus..gung ho,,,,!!! Aamiin

  3. I love this one. It shows a different side of this blog anyway,... :D . Good job! Mala...

  4. aha....I have a fan^^?? Thanks God.... thank you Yunita, it's okay I'll teach you^^

    for Ana, I never concern to learn it. I just did it because I like it. I like painting since I was 5 years old so there's no something special about how to do it. Thank you^^

    thank you X3pthacular^^


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