KEy Awards 2012, Well Done!

Yeay! We have done with our Annual Event: KEy Awards 2012!

KEy Awards 2012 is so amazing, spectacular, great, wonderful, and colorful! Yes, it fits with our theme for KEy Awards this year: Colorful is beautiful.

We, KEy Members have performed our best in the celebration. There are various kinds of performance we showed: KEy Broadcasting, Drama, Singing A Song, Lipsync, Dancing, yeay we're so multi-talented :p

One of an impromptu and shocking performance ;p
Who ever thought Jeje could do this?

Among our super fun performances, we also read every category of KEy Awards 2012. If in the previous post we wrote that we only have 6 categories of KEy Award, yesterday, KEy members had a big surprise to know that we have 2 more additional categories: KEy Lifetime Achievement and KEy Honor Achievement. You should say WOW!

So, who are the winners of KEy Award 2012? Here they are:

Juno, head of the committee of KEy Award 2012 and Izoel, KEy Chief
KEy Honor Achievement Award 2012

Yeayy \^.^/

Congratulation to all of the winners of KEy Award 2012. See you next year!

Keep sharing, giving, caring, and loving each other. And always make KEy as our family. Xoxo ^^


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